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we're building the future of

environment art education


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small and personal

Our community is at our focus, we intentionally built a small community where it's easy to find your place and engage with like minded people.


our perks

wip wednesday

Weekly feedback events with industry professionals, hosted live on our YouTube channel.

portfolio reviews

Monthly portfolio reviews that will help you develop and improve your portfolio to get you that job.


Organised on a monthly basis, we invite industry professionals to share their valuable knowledge with us.

resource hub

Internal resources that we haven't deployed to the site yet are also often shared in our Discord Community.

regular work alongs

We love working together, usually we have people from all over the world working and improving together.

Environment art handbook

All members get access to our 250 page handbook full of tips crucial to level up your Environment Art game.

stay in the know

All things we do get broadcasted first to our Discord event.


your own

We have a bunch of things going on all the time, the more active you are and the more you take advantage of all the events, the quicker you grow!

filled with talent

Look at all our supporters!

A A - Aakarsh Gupta - Abbas Ridzuan -abel bardalez arica - Adam Dencker - Adam Ju - AdamHarvey3d - Adolfo Velazquez - Adrián Bejarano García - AF - Ahmed Matar - AinC_Arts - alan field - Alberto Moreno - Alejandro Lorente Blanco - Alessandro pacini - Alex Cheung - Alex D - Alex Park - alex t - Alexander Gonzalez - Alexander McDaniel - Alexander Nguyen - Alexander Örn Magnússon - Alexis Faintreny - Alexis Washington - ALLISON LI - Alvaro Miranda - aly kafoury - aman mundy - Ammer Domingo - Anastasia Papaioanou - André Castman - Andrea Barbieri - Andrea Graizzaro - Andreas Philipp - Andrew King - Andrew S Lytle - Angelo Tsiflas - Ankur Gupta - Anti - Antoine Dej - Antonio Bonet - Araki_Sensei - Arash Olfate - Archimedes Garcia - Aria Baskakova - Armando Panciotto - Arthur Ettouati - Artur Kurmel - arvind - Ashleigh Dale - Audrey L Quincieu - avijit moulick - baptiste joly - Barbara Valenska - Beatriz - Ben Black - ben mcdonald - Ben Palmer - Bikki Rajbhar - bilal AL-Hazmi - blalx799 - Boos501 - Brandon - Brandon Miletta - Brendan - Caio Almeida - Cairo Goodbrand - Cameron Bragg - Cameron Fraser - Carla Gradwell - cassie baer - Cecile Roux - Charton - Chelsea Bradford - Chris Hunter - Chris Mackin - Chris Suki - Christian Mendez - Christopher McNally - CK - Clément PIOLET - Clyde Pashley - Coffeediction - Coleman White - Cosche - D3ES1GNER - Dale Wheatley - Dan Lavigne - Dani C - Dani Villacorte - Daniel Dehne - Daniel Hinckley - Daniel Kłosiński - Daniel Marques - Daniel Siemieniaco - Darpan - Darrel - David Bullock - Dawid Wrona - Denys Zvarich - Derek Schumacher - Derk Elshof - Desland - Diana Costin - Diane Holland - Diego Kodiak - Dillion Reilly - Din Vecht - DinoByte Softworks - Dmitrij Kugut - Dom Mulgrew - Doodled_lynx - Dual Master - DZoned - Eanna O'Brien - ejcook - Eli Betancourt - Eli Zhu - Elizabeth Baird - ellis - Eric - Erick Lim - Eve - fatalmuffin - Fateh Shehryar - Feco Ramirez - Felix riehle - Fotis - Frederieke Wagner - Frostensen - FSG_Tian - Gabriella Tångfelt - Galactic Bambi - Galen Heninger - Gaming Star - Gary Smith - Gavin Harvey - Georg - Giacomo Bonanno - Gianni Carpinelli - giles - Giovanne Picolo - Gonçalo Osório - Gonzalo De Francisco Hernando - Greg Laux - GuiH - Hakki Altan Cebeci - Hamish Ames - Hannah reslan - HarleyG - Helena Hansen - Henrik - Hicham Ouchan - Hiram Rodriguez - Honza Novotný - Ibrahim A. - im sus - Ioana Oprisan - Iptestcs - Irfan Khan - J-mo - Jack Ibbotson  - Jacob Potterfield - jake holley - Jake Parrott - James Ward - James Williams - Jamie - jan - jayxle - Jeslyn Juarsa - Jesse Jenny - Jesse Olchawa - Jim Düwel - Joe Bates - Joe Johnson - Johan Gunneröd - John Harris - John McCormac - Jonadab Oomon - Jono Sutton - Jordan Shepherd - Jorge Ocana Mendez - Joringel - Joseph H Edwards - Josselin large - Joy - justin colombini - Kain AC - Kang Jia - Karim Swedan - Karin - Karl Bruce - Katherine - Katre Jhinaida - Katre Kul - Kaysadilla K - KérioX Jenkins - Kevin Brunt - Kevin Buck - Kieran - Kilbert Kurues - Kostas CH - Kovalinskiy Vasyl - KuiYue - Kyle - Kyriakos Gerostathis - Lack of oesophagus Male - Laird Wt - Lazar Gajić - Le Albi - Lea Kronenberger - Leanne - Leo Bushkin - Leo ler - Leon Hatsume - Leon K - Leonardo Betancur - Leonardo Leandro - Leonardo Menezes - leonardo thome - Lewis Seed - li xiaowen - Liam Lacey - Lica Sever Marian - Light123 - Lilian - Lily L - lina19hiny - Linavalo Hinyemata - Lizz Riverland - Lloyd James - LoneRanger - Lucas Rodrigues - Lucie Priest - Luís Cláudio - Luis Mesquita - Mahaweilo - Malte Ekvall - Manjot Singh - Marcello Pellegrino - Marco - Marco Autilio - Maria - Marijeta Mikacic - Marina - MarkMurphy3D - Markus Esch - Marta - Martiine Mayeur - MastRcheese - Mathew McLaughlin - matt - Matthew - Matthew Halton - Matthew Wilshaw - Max - Max Rupp - maxence simar - McTreeQz - Megan Folsom - Mel - Michael Bradbury - Michael C - Michael Daw - Michael Fairchild - Michal Beran - Miguel Pastor - Miha Maruško - Mohamed Elbouhy - Moïse Dos Santos - Molly Carroll - Morrissey Alexander - Movan - Mukkvia - Nadja May Kramer - Nathan Rose - Natrix - Netraraj Pun - Nev - Nicolas  Rocque - Nicolas Fernando Mendoza - Nicolas Jaud - Nikkita Racquel - NotSoGrimReeper - Olha Karahoz - Omar Souissi - Orest Saldan - Óscar Sánchez Jiménez - Pamela Dominguez - Paolo Ringegni - Paul Browne - Paul Elder - Paula Maria Röhmer - Paula Micheletti Tavares - Pedro Yapor - Petar Culafic - PhilippSch - Pieter Cornelius - Pim Hillebrand - PradaHandbag - Quentin Go - Raj Joshi - Rajeev Nattam - Rasmus Rantamäki - Red - Rene - Renzo Palmisano - Rhi Thomas - Ricardo van de Beek - Robert Shaer - Robert Thoma - Rodolfo Aveiga - Roman - Rosario - Runa Lai - Russell Walls - Ryan Deardorff - Ryan Lopez - Ryan Shearer - ryanis3d - Saisrikar Kanduri - Salaheddine Adelli - Salam Shaker  - Salvador Sánchez - Sam VFX - Samir Riecke - Samuel Thibault - Sanekum - Sanjay Kumar - Santiago Medrano - Sara - Sasho Lazeski - Saveliy Rehels - SBurns - Scott Rafferty - Sean Eisenhardt - Sebastian Arthos - Sebastian Knüppel - Selin Sarı - Sergii Zlobin - Shawn Uttley - Sheila - ShmeeGrim - Shunz Bao - Simon Makdesi Elias - simone mirandola - Simttex - Sinead - Smiley - Snow Bat - SomNados - Soph - Sophie Dessureault - Space Jesus - Stan Brown - steven costa - Sunny Day - szemes zsanett - Ta . - Tarjei Skårsmoen - tcc30 - Theo Mortelette - Thesi - Thisara Jayasekara - Thomas Archambault - Thomas Ray - Thomas Roux - Thomas Skinner - Thomas Whenham - Tim - Tim Gautier - Tim Haake - Tjeu Pubben - Tkail - Tobias Rintoul - Tom Calcoen - Tom Goodier - Tomáš Horáček - Tomas Tagesson - Tomer Meltser - Tony Nolin - Tropical Moisture - Twice Taze - Tyler L. - Tyler La Belle - Vadim Chuvashov - Victor Ullmann - Virtualdreamz - Wiktoria Sus - William Andrews - William Day - William Pryn - Yenndere - yi xiong - Yolanda Cruz Girona - Yoshito Wakatsuki - Yuchen - Yuriy3783 - Yusuf Salih - Ze Olive - ZOora - Илья Стогов - 순정 이 - ごろう げじ - 张 群良 - 旭啸 马 - 輝 和田 - 风 随


Environment art

Every member of our community gets access to our 250 page handbook full of tips and tricks to level up your environment art.


ready to start?

Check out the different tiers we offer and how you can take advantage of it.